elliottcu@elliottfcu.com (724) 527-2822Routing Number: 243381984 NMLS Number: 470325

Stay Alert to Scams

At Elliott Community FCU, we want to help make sure your personal information and accounts are always secure. Important tips to help you stay alert to scams from fraudsters impersonating us, the IRS or other financial institutions:

  • Keep private information private. Avoid giving out private info and passcodes over the phone, especially during an unexpected call. We will never call to ask for a one-time passcode unless you initiated the request.
  • Don’t rely on caller ID.Scammers can make it look like the call is coming from Elliott Community FCU or another reputable company to trick you into sharing private information. Please don’t trust caller ID — it’s not always who it says it is.
  • Question requests to transfer money. If you receive an unfamiliar request asking you to transfer money to anyone — including sending money to one of your other accounts — beware. Don’t be pressured into sending money via gift cards, online wires, or any third-party payment apps.
  • When in doubt, reach out. If you’re suspicious about a call, text, notification, or email — whether from Elliott Community FCU or another business NO NOT RESPOND. Reach out to the company directly using a trusted source such as their official website or phone number.

Know the Scams

Online scams, quick money schemes or even a request from a friend or family member may compromise your information. For more information on scams, fraud patterns and prevention, visit the NCUA Fraud Prevention Center.


Antivirus Protection Impersonation Scam

ATM Locations

CU Network logo Allpoint logo First National Bank logo Nextier bank logo
Branch Hours

Elliott Community Federal Credit Union Main Branch
(724) 527-2822

Monday – Friday:
9:00AM – 5:00PM

Greensburg Branch
(724) 216-1474

Monday – Friday:
9:00AM – 5:00PM

Jeannette Rubber Branch
(724) 527-1550

Monday – Wednesday:
8:00AM – 4:00PM

Thursday – Friday:
8:00PM – 5:00PM

9:00AM – 12:00PM

MSA Cranberry Branch
(724) 776-8605

Monday – Thursday:
8:00AM – 3:00PM

8:00AM – 4:00PM

MSA Murrysville Branch
(724) 776-8605

Wednesday & Friday:
8:00AM – 4:00PM